We are documenting our work largely in-house, as founder Craig Leon has a film company Future History Films that is working on documentaries and short films in collaboration with Damian Edi of Pulpam Audiovisual.
We have enjoyed the visits of herpetology photographers such as Jaime Culebras and gorgeous photos by orchid specialist Marco Monteros.

You can find here an image collection work with more than 150 samples about the Cloud Forest Organics project
(Click on the image to see them in full screen)

Forest Cams

The short documentary Dipsas Speaks, filmed entirely at the project site, is a poetic reflection on the conflict between agricultural expansion and threatened wildlife. Following a series of awards in 2022, it won the Earth Prize in 2023 and has been used by local and regional schools as well as educational programs in the US, including 15,000 students in the Bay Area of ​​California. Film director Craig was named a 2023 Scientific New Wave Luminary by the Labocine Film Festival.